Farmers Fair Parade

Parade Information

2024 Theme: Honoring Those Who Served

Date & Time: Saturday, October 5th, 2024 - 10 A.M.

All parade entries require registration and must be picked up at the Aurora Farmers Fair Office, Second & Main Streets, before noon Friday. There is a fee of $75 for non-float entries for advertising purposes. These entries may have one vehicle and no more than ten individuals walking and/or riding.


Judging of entries is on a point system according to workmanship (25 points), appearance (25 points), originality (25 points), and use of the theme (25 points).

Classifications & Prizes

1st & 2nd place prizes awarded for each category *Prizes To Be Announced*

Category A. Best Display by a Business or Business Organization

Category B. Best Display by an Adult Organization or Group

Category C. Best Display by Youth Group or Organization

Category D. Best Display by a Church or Church Group

Category E. Most Outstanding Antique Automotive Machine or Equipment

Category F. Best Decorated Golf Cart (*Must be decorated)
- Two sub-categories: 1.) Individual and/or Family 2.) Business

Rules & Regulations

  • Participants must be present sixty minutes prior to the start of the parade. If the parade cannot start on time, due to weather, it may be delayed for one hour, or cancelled, at the discretion of fair officials.
  • Cancellation by participants for any reason must be directly to a parade official at least 24 hours prior to the parade start. Failure to do so may result in rejection of entries for future fairs.
  • Fair officials will determine classifications of entries and reserve the right to reject or evict any entry from the parade line-up that they deem unsuitable.
  • Neither the Aurora Farmers Fair, Aurora Lions Club, City of Aurora or officials thereof shall be liable or held responsible for the personal injury, damage or loss to parade entries, participants or observers. Participants assume responsibility for their unit and activities at all times. Any entry with an animal must submit a certificate of insurance at the time they register.
  • All entries will have an entry number obtained at the Fair Office. These must be displayed on the front of float towing vehicles or, if self-propelled, on the front of the float.
  • Towing vehicles must be of sufficient size and braking power to control the float in tow. The driver and any passengers must ride in factory-installed seats.
  • Non-entertainment entries are limited to one vehicle and a maximum of ten individuals walking or riding.
  • Entries will not throw out any items to spectators or otherwise cause them to move into the parade route! You may have individuals walking the sides of the route and pass or hand out items.
  • Sirens, air horns and other loud noises require caution and consideration of spectators.
  • Entries should keep within 10 feet of the unit in front of them throughout the parade route.
  • Maximum length of a float is 50 feet, including the towing vehicle.

2023 Parade Winners

Best Business:

Best Adult:

Best Youth:

Best Antique Car or Equipment:

Best Church or Church Group:

Best Golf CArt Business: 1st -